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What is Dyslexia?
Lexify Tuition based in Rugby has put together this guide to help you to spot dyslexia symptoms in primary and secondary aged children. Dyslexia is a neurological difference which simply means that it leads to the dyslexic person thinking differently. Similar to other learning difficulties, each person’s experience can vary significantly on a scale of mild to severe.
On the flip side to the dyslexic’s difficulties, typically in reading, writing and memory; many also exhibit significant strengths in creative thinking and reasoning. These strengths can be harnessed during specialist teaching to support weaknesses the dyslexia learner may have.
General signs to look out for in the primary aged child:
The dyslexic child will generally produce a lower standard of written work compared to what they communicate orally.
Confused by similarly written letters, e.g. b/d p/q m/w.
Many words written phonetically (how they sound).
Anagrams of words made, e.g. “flutterby” for “butterfly”.
Slow reading speed.
Difficulty in breaking words into sounds.
Poor expression when reading aloud and trouble with comprehension.
Misses words or lines when reading or adds extra words.
Confusion with place value of numbers.
Tendency to mis-read and muddle operation signs, such + and x.
Problems with remembering sequences, e.g days of the week and the alphabet.
Problems learning to tell the time.
Personal disorganisation.
Confusion with the concept of time words such as yesterday and tomorrow.
Poor pencil grip which contributes to messy handwriting
Memory difficulties
Problems understanding concepts such as left and right, North and South.
May try to avoid work by getting a drink or sharpening a pencil.
Can be very easily distracted.
May appear to lack energy due to the levels of concentration needed to complete tasks.
General Signs to look out for in the secondary aged child:
The dyslexic child will generally produce a lower standard of written work compared to what they communicate orally.
Writing can either be neat but takes a long time to produce, or is poor with badly formed letters.
Punctuation and grammar are likely to pose significant problems.
Writing content may be short and to the point or lengthy and rambling, often going off the point of the task set.
Finds organising their time for work difficult.
Has trouble starting a writing task and taking notes in class.
Slow reading speed.
Poor expression when reading aloud and trouble with comprehension.
Misses words or lines when reading or adds extra words.
Problems using dictionaries or other reference books.
May confuse operation signs such as + and x.
Has difficulty memorising tables and mathematical formulae.
Finds word-based questions confusing.
Finds mental arithmetic difficult.
General skills
Confusion with left and right or directions on a compass.
Problems with learning and remembering foreign languages.
Slower at recalling the name for an object.
Although able to follow instructions individually, is unable to remember more than the first one if given a list all at once.
May try to avoid work by getting a drink or sharpening a pencil.
Can be very easily distracted.
May appear to lack energy due to the levels of concentration needed to complete tasks.
Contact us for specialist dyslexia teaching
Get in touch with Lexify Tuition to discuss specialist dyslexia teaching or English and maths tutoring in Rugby and Coventry.